What is a URL Address? A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating between web pages seems like a straightforward process; however, this is possible thanks to web design and web addresses. They can store published information and serve as a directory so that you can access it later. They can also indicate the exact location of the web page or file you want to access.

In the past, it was common for these links to be very long and not easy to remember, so shorteners like TinyURL were created to facilitate this process. Making the task of accessing the desired site more accessible; although the website is not modified, it creates a redirect.

What exactly is a URL?

What exactly is a URL?

The URL address is a locator used by web pages; for example, to have a website on Instagram or any other site, we need a URL address to tell browsers how to find the information they have. It works the same way as place addresses in offline life. Except that they use internet protocols to indicate the web domain to which they belong. Other data that is also attached to reach the file or web page is the IP address of the creator, thus validating part of the data.

Although the code is not shown, browsers have a method to decrypt and translate this address. This path is often very long, so URL shorteners usually shorten the link.  Do not modify it; redirect the browser to the correct site or internet domain.

What is the URL of a web page?

Its full name is Uniform Resource Locator, a series of commands comprising letters and numbers that retrieve specific information. The server and the URL address are parts of a web system and can also have risks. This combination that forms the link is what we write in the upper box of the browser to indicate the web domain we want to access.

Unlike other programming languages ​​that use a combination of digits like binary code, URLs use letters and numbers in an understandable order. When this sequence makes up complete words or phrases, it is known as internet domains. Here, you get the server name on which the information is stored.

What is a URL for?

It indicates where the data has been saved; each element on the Internet requires one. Many people do not know what a URL is for; this is the web browser’s way of assembling the parts of a page and displaying them correctly. It is non-transferable, so it is unique, and thanks to it, we can access the information or even the accounts.

Depending on the website’s characteristics, you are asked for a username and password and data that is searched in storage. With them, it is possible to access other pages through redirection, which will be done using the browser. These URL addresses must be accessible since users will write them more frequently by remembering them, which will help search engine positioning.

What are the parts of a URL address?

By law, all URLs must have four main parts to function. Next, we will explain them and provide the most frequent examples.

The main thing is that they have a network protocol, which tells the browser what type of connection it will work under them. We see HTTP and HTTPS, although there are also others. Such as FTP, which is the service that contains or supports information, using the World Wide Web in particular.

Then, enter the web domains responsible for providing the project’s name and the type of service it offers without forgetting the country. There, we see .com and .org. Edu and .ar for Argentina, among others. Finally, the file name, also known as the path, represents the specific directory and the labels that store said information.

How is a URL composed or formed?

As we mentioned before, a URL is made up of several elements. However, let’s delve into the topic by discovering how to do it. In general terms, the protocol, extension, domain, subdomain, folders, and subfolders are the most mentioned when discussing a URL address. But we must not forget the parameters and the resource, which indicate whether it is a page, program, or file to download.

Many of these elements are known since we see them several times while surfing the web. However, many others are not new because few domains are available online. For this reason, these extensions have been expanded, allowing more open websites and longer web addresses.

How many types of URLs are there?

There are many URLs on the Internet, each with different characteristics. Therefore, their uses will also vary. The most common are friendly, personalized, and public, although you will learn about some of them in general in this article. Keep in mind that it is possible that several of them are redirected to a single website or that they also have similar information.

When this happens, Google selects one of them as a canonical URL; that is, it will be considered the most representative and give it better positioning in search engines. On the other hand, we can find malicious links that appear trustworthy. But once you click on them, your software will get infected with internet viruses.

Custom URL

These links are generally created to make it easy to access a channel. The name will come after the website, and once generated, you cannot modify or delete it without directly affecting the channel.

In other cases, the custom URL allows an element to be added for e-commerce. For example, you couldn’t create a unique page otherwise. It is vital that you are sure of the name before making this URL since there is only one way to get rid of it: by deleting the channel.

Absolute URL

When discussing an absolute URL, we mean the link contains all the information necessary to find the resource. Once entered into the browser, the data can be found directly. Other types are based on the absolute as a starting point to find the required resource.

Friendly URL

We refer to friendly URLs as those that are easy to understand, both for the browser and the person using them. The results they return will always be easy to process, so numbers and special or strange characters are excluded. You could say that they are the opposite of dynamic URLs. Additionally, the friendly ones will provide keywords and information so it is easy to find them.

Public URL

We speak of public URLs when we refer to addresses in which any mechanism is used to find a published resource. For the most part, many of the links we see on the web are used. Since we will need a couple more clicks to find the resource we are looking for.

Valid URL

Any URL considered valid must be able to be crawled efficiently by the browser. This requires having each of the necessary elements and resources to achieve it. In theory, you can say that all URLs are valid, but when a folder or subfolder disappears, this URL becomes invalid.

What is the URL address of a web page?

What is the URL address of a web page?

It will comprise a series of characteristics, the sequence of which stands out. It must follow the correct structure so that you can create or find a web page.

Likewise, it needs to be as exact as possible to make it easier for the user to write it in the browser without any problems. Each page is unique, making it exclusive, although there is a possibility that you will find several versions on various websites.

How to create a URL in Google?

Next, we will explain some practices that Google considers and will help you position your website more efficiently. Although it was once believed that keywords were of the utmost importance. This is not the case today since Google seeks to organize the information optimally.

Your URL must be uniform, meaning that lowercase words should be used. Forget the combinations between uppercase and lowercase or capital letters; although Google does not have distinctions, users can get confused. Then, use the middle dashes since they will not be lost when you provide the naked URL.

This is very common when using underscores and makes the user not notice how many there are. You have used the keyword when selecting the category to which the web page corresponds.

You may have doubts about this, so it is recommended that you choose the one related to the information found on the website that interests readers.

It is recommended to avoid superfluous words appearing in your URL address. That is words that are not necessary and do not add value to it. If there are conflicts, they can be abbreviated by placing only the initial of the word. However, this creator includes the word category without need.

Additionally, people usually put years in URL addresses, which is harmful. Since they will have to create new entries and waste the links that were entered in previous years. Since all visits will disappear, it is better to update the information, nothing more, and create links that can be used in the future.

Finally, the diagonal bar must be used since it indicates the relationship the resource has, whether primary or secondary. It also allows you to identify the level of hierarchy in the link and thus facilitates the location of the resource.


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