WhatsApp Business – Guide To Boost Your Business In The Tool

To talk about WhatsApp refer to the instant messaging application that began as an alternative to SMS and revolutionized how we communicate. Have you heard of WhatsApp Business? In this post, we explain everything about it.

What is WhatsApp Business?

WhatsApp Business is a free download application announced in September 2017 and launched a few months later, allowing small and medium-sized businesses to contact our customers independently of the WhatsApp we use to communicate daily.

Being in third place in the top 10 most used social networks in the world (more than 2,000 million users), the strategy of the Meta app was to take advantage of that great popularity to reach people and companies.

This variant offers various functions oriented to business management, so it is a tool that businesses can take advantage of to develop their marketing and sales strategy and to make the communication process with the public more direct.

What is WhatsApp Business?

How WhatsApp Business works

Firstly, you need to know that using WhatsApp Business and the standard app version with the same phone number is impossible. You can have both applications on your mobile device but registered with different phone numbers.

Let’s discuss how it works. Both applications share the same simple interface, which makes things much easier if you have already been using WhatsApp daily. The web version is also compatible.

In the same way, it offers the possibility of having a complete profile, through which you can share commercial information with your customers: location, email address, business hours and the link to the company’s website, among other things.

As well as optimizing customer service, either through the automation of messages or the quick replies section, where you can configure some notes that you will then send with a single click.

Remember that customers like to be served by companies that give them adequate attention and facilitate buying the goods or services they offer. It can also be achieved thanks to the catalog function supplied by the Whatsapp version for business.

It consists of a list of products, including a photo, a short description, and a price. The great advantage is that customers can consult it at any time.

Is it beneficial for companies?

As you can see, this powerful communication tool has become increasingly indispensable for businesses, as personalized attention makes customers feel closer to the company.

In addition, when talking about the types of social networks, WhatsApp is considered a horizontal social network since it brings together users who communicate with each other with all kinds of interests. Any company can use it and exploit its full potential regardless of its nature.

Advantages of Whatsapp Business

Will Cathcart, CEO of WhatsApp, reported last year that more than 175 million people send messages to a WhatsApp Business account daily. For its part, according to the web portal SensorTower, the app had been downloaded about 20 million times until February 2022.

What are the keys to its success? Why are more and more companies encouraged to use WhatsApp Business? Let’s review below some of its advantages. Read!

1. High conversion rate

The conversion rate is nothing more than the percentage of visitors to a website, application or landing page who “convert”, that is, who perform the action desired by the company. In this sense, WhatsApp Business is especially advantageous concerning other forms of communication.

The use of phone calls, for example, could make the user uncomfortable if the user is not available to answer them. On the other hand, a message through WhatsApp is not very invasive since it can be answered at any time.

In short, this app allows potential customers to be induced to buy without the risk that its use could affect the company’s image.

2. Connect brands with their audience

Most customers prefer to contact a company through instant messaging platforms over other methods of communication. In this regard, we must adapt to your preferences.

This reality can be used to build an emotional connection with each of them, for which it is essential to show them that we are interested and ready to cover all their needs.

3. Message personalization

It is no secret that personalized attention can make the customer feel more committed to our brand. One of the options of WhatsApp Business allows you to customize and automate the messages sent to our customers.

Specifically, you can set up a welcome or an absence message (because the company is out of working hours, for example) and offer product promotions, immediate orders, or even send reminders.

4. Improve the sales process

Sales are the mainstay of any business; the higher they are, the faster your company can grow. The use of WhatsApp Business can increase the chances of selling by up to 27% if you know how to handle it correctly.

As sales trends increase, this percentage will likely increase over time. So, if you haven’t used the business version of WhatsApp yet and have a venture, don’t wait any longer!

5. Minimum cost

Does WhatsApp Business have a cost? It is one of the most frequently asked questions among people or companies still unaware of this application. And for that, we are here to clarify every one of your doubts.

Its download is free, as with the traditional version, making it an excellent option for small businesses. Once you install it, all you need is to have a stable internet connection.

6. Allows you to monitor the impact

Being able to measure the performance of your WhatsApp Business account is very important, and the app allows you to do it through a series of statistics. These will give you information about users’ activity and interaction with your account.

Specifically, there are four indicators that you can see, which we mention below:

  • Messages sent: these are all the messages we send, including the messages we send to the WhatsApp “status”.
  • Messages delivered: they are the ones that finally reached their destination, that is, those who were left with the famous double grey tilde. States are also included.
  • Messages read: these are the messages that the recipient reads. It is essential to clarify that this figure is usually less than messages delivered because some users prefer to have the read confirmation option disabled.
  • Messages received: these are the messages we receive from other people.

Steps to implement a Whatsapp Business strategy

Now that you know the pros of using WhatsApp Business, how about we take steps to implement your strategy? Notes!

1. Define the objectives

It is the indispensable first step in any self-respecting strategy. What do we want to achieve with the use of WhatsApp Business? The answer to the question will allow you to know what actions you should take to complete the proposed objectives.

Typically, these goals are: to build brand recognition, earn customer loyalty, increase digital presence, incentivize quick purchases, and achieve recommendations.

2. Set KPIs

The next step is to identify the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), which will help you know whether or not you have achieved the proposed goals and the performance you have had in the process.

An example of this could be the sales cycle. As long as it stays low, it will be easier for you to make more significant sales in a shorter time.

3. Identify the target audience

Knowing who we are targeting is key to defining what will be done and how it will be done. Ask yourself what type of consumer your product will reach and what result you expect from it, for which you can use, for example, the survey by social networks.

4. Sign up for WhatsApp Business

Downloading WhatsApp Business is as easy as searching for it in the iOS or Android app store. Once downloaded, the process is very similar to when you signed up for the traditional app. Don’t forget that you’ll need to use a different phone number than the one you use on a personal level.

Once you complete all the information about your company, it is best to look at the account settings to familiarize yourself with its functions.

5. Forge a brand personality

Remember that customers who receive personal and close treatment are more likely to generate a sense of loyalty to the company, so you should avoid generic messages. Work so that your brand has that which will make it stand out from the others.

6. Build a contact list

Try to reach as many people as possible so that your WhatsApp Business account becomes more than just a method of communication. You can use signup forms that offer incentives, for example, to get the phone numbers of potential customers.

7. Design your communication plan

It is the next step after achieving a solid database. Define what messages you want to convey and structure them in a dynamic, attractive and entertaining way to attract your audience’s attention.

On the other hand, try not to overwhelm your customers with too much information. The most recommended is an average of between 5 and 10 messages per week.

8. Customer service is key

Last but not least. It provides optimal customer service and answers all their questions in a friendly and real-time way, for which you can rely on chatbots.

Examples of WhatsApp Business campaigns

Large companies worldwide have carried out successful marketing campaigns through WhatsApp Business. Check out these two examples:


The famous Netherlands-based airline became the first to have a verified account on WhatsApp Business.

Its strategy was based on creating a better link with its customers by offering them a whole range of services through this channel, such as sending the ticket, the status of their flights, and notifications about the opening and closing of the check-in and boarding pass, among others.


Accor is a renowned hotel chain in Ireland and the United Kingdom that, through WhatsApp Business, focuses on significantly improving its customer service process.

In this sense, guests receive a telephone number next to the key to their room, through which they can communicate via WhatsApp and thus make any request, such as clean towels, food service, change of items, or information, among others.

It is how we conclude this guide! Now you know what WhatsApp Business is for and its scope for business. We do not doubt that the use of this tool will continue to be a trend in the coming years.

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